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We are lucky that this farmland includes an historic orchard.  The trees are old, overgrown, and have seen healthier days.  Some of their trunks are gnarled and nearly rotted through.  Others were chewed by beavers many years ago.  A few of the varieties we recognize, including our favorite Spitzenburg, but most of them are mysteries to us.  Last fall, during our first fruit harvest at this new farm, we brought samples of the fruit to the Home Orchard Society tasting event, where apple experts help folks find the identity of mysterious apples.  We learned a few more of our varieties, there, and hopefully we will learn more as time goes on.

We are in the process of cultivating a new fruit orchard, which will include apples, pears, plums, and more.  The pigs are helping us prepare ground for the new orchard space.  This spring we grafted 150 new trees, and they are currently growing in a nursery bed where we can keep a close eye on them.  Some of them are varieties we have grown before at our previous farm property, and if you have purchased our fruit before you may recognize some old favorites -- Airlie Red (also known as the Mountain Rose), Spitzenburg, Chehalis, Akane, Mutsu, Pink Lady, and Honeycrisp.  Others will be new, both to us and to our returning customers. These include apple varieties like Ashmead’s Kernel, Fiesta, Liberty, Orleans Reinette, and Wynooche Early.  We are so excited to add new varieties to our offerings-- but orcharding is a practice in patience.  Our new trees will begin bearing fruit in 2022.  We think it will be worth the wait!

In the meantime, look for our fruit at the Corvallis Farmers' Market beginning in late August.  We look forward to seeing you there!

We are in the process of organic certification for this new farm.  Rest assured that all of our orcharding practices are organically approved, and we manage our orchard with regard to your health and the health of our ecosystem.

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